SABBATH SCHOOL CLASSES AND CHURCH are open for in-person worship.  The children’s SS classes begin at 9:45 am and church service starts at 11:00 am Saturday mornings.  Please join us if you are able.  You can also join us on Facebook Live or on Zoom.


Join us on February 1, 2025 at 11:00 am. Let's discover together what God has in store! 


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5 Days until this Begins!!
 Reading and Praying Through
Steps to Christ

I pray that you may have your roots and foundation in love, so that you,
together with all God's people, may have the power to understand
how broad and long, how high and deep, is Christ's love.
Ephesians 3:17-18

Steps to Christ, Forward

In just 5 days we begin reading the 13 chapters of Steps to Christ. Please find a way to read this together with your family, your prayer group, or join the zoom link that will come with each reading. God Bless!!

Steps to Christ


Few books attain a distribution reckoned in millions or exert so great an influence in the uplifting of humanity as has Steps to Christ. In countless editions, this little volume has been printed in more than seventy languages, bringing inspiration to hundreds of thousands of men and women throughout the world, even those who dwell in the remote corners of the earth. From the appearance of the first edition in 1892, the publishers have been called upon to add printing to printing to meet the immediate and sustained demand from the reading public. SC 5.1

The author of this work, Ellen G. White (1827-1915), was a religious speaker and writer, well known on three continents. Born near Portland, Maine, she spent her early life in the New England States, and then her travels and labors led her to the rapidly expanding central and western areas of the United States. The years 1885 to 1887 she devoted to work in the leading countries of Europe, where she often addressed large audiences, and continued her writing. Subsequently she spent nine active years in Australia and New Zealand. From her pen have come forty-five volumes, large and small, in the fields of theology, education, health, and the home, and practical Christianity, several with a distribution exceeding the million-copy mark. Of these, Steps to Christ is the most popular and widely read. SC 5.2

The title of the book tells its mission. It points the reader to Jesus Christ as the only one who is able to meet the needs of the soul. It directs the feet of the doubting and halting to the pathway of peace. It leads the seeker after righteousness and wholeness of character, step by step, along the way of Christian living, to that experience where he can know the fullness of blessing which is found in the complete surrender of self. It reveals to him the secret of victory as it unfolds in simplicity the saving grace and the keeping power of the great Friend of all mankind. SC 5.3

This edition marks a forward step in standardizing the paging of the book in forthcoming English-language printings. With no change in the text, but with a format, spelling, and capitalization in keeping with the times, this little compendium of devotion will continue on its mission, but now in such form, regardless of the size of the type or page, as to conform to the new Index to the writings of Ellen G. White. SC 6.1

Jacob of old, when oppressed with the fear that his sin had cut him off from God, lay down to rest, and “he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven.” The connection between earth and heaven was thus revealed to him, and words of comfort and hope were spoken to the wanderer by Him who stood at the top of the shadowy stairs. That the heavenly vision may be repeated to many as they read this story of the way of life, is the sincere wish of the publishers, and— SC 6.2

The Trustees of the Ellen G. White Publications


Options available at the Adventist Book Center or on Amazon for all ages:
Steps To Christ (original)
Steps To Jesus (easy reading)
David Asks Why (children)
Steps to Christ Study Guide. A complete chapter by chapter guide with questions to aid in your reading and understanding of the book. 
Peace Above The Storm (modern English)


Prayer Ministries Challenges: 
every man, women, boy, and girl in UCC to participate in a growing experience with Jesus
called, "Grounded and Growing Vertically."  
See all three Challenges:
Link: Pentecost 2025 Topics

Come and Pray Together
Morning Zoom Prayer Room 5-7 a.m.

Invite Others to Sign up to Read Steps to Christ
Together, February 1-13

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Bold Batsukh

Seeking Answers, Part 1


By Andrew McChesney

Editor’s note: This is the story of how Bold Batsukh, Mongolia’s first Seventh-day Adventist pastor, gave his heart to God in the early 1990s.

Whenever Bold had a question, he ran to his dad in Mongolia.

“I’m scared of the dark,” he said. “Why am I scared of the dark?”

“It’s all in your imagination,” Dad said.

Then the boy heard someone talking about God and the devil. He ran to Dad.

“Is there such a thing as the devil and God?” he asked.

“It’s all in your imagination,” Dad said.

Bold trusted his dad. He had seen Dad read many books, so he knew that he had stored up a lot of knowledge.

But he remained scared of the dark. He also wasn’t so sure that God didn’t exist. He didn’t understand why, but he felt that God must be alive somewhere in the universe.

Although Bold was young, he was very serious. He thought seriously about his future. When he thought about his future, he thought about death. Death scared him.

“Why do we die?” he wondered. “What happens after death? Is that it?”

One day, Dad fell ill. He was in and out of the hospital for treatment for several months. During one hospitalization, Bold noticed marks on Dad’s back from injections given by the nurses.

“Why do they have to give you so many shots?” he asked.

“I’m sick, so I have to get shots,” Dad said.

Bold felt sorry for his father.

Dad grew weaker and weaker. Finally, he couldn’t eat on his own, and his food was pureed like baby food and mixed with water. Someone fed him with a spoon, massaging his throat to help him swallow.

One afternoon, a friend ran up as Bold was playing outside his home.

“Your father’s dead! Your father’s dead!” the boy shouted.

Bold thought the boy was trying to make a joke, and he became indignant.

“Why do you have to joke like that?” he said.

“It’s the truth,” the boy said. “They’re looking for you.”

Bold ran home. An ambulance stood outside the building. No one would let him inside to see his father. Bold realized that Dad had died. He was only 45 years old. Bold was 13.

The boy cried and asked, “Why? Why?”

He heard no answer.

For the first time he spoke to the God whom his father had said didn’t exist.

He said, “I don’t see any reason for this happening.”

He heard no answer.

Bold had been close to Dad, and he couldn’t imagine life without him. He wondered, “If everyone is going to die, what’s the point of living?”

He heard no answer.

Bold had been scared of the dark. But now his fears grew as, in the darkness of the night, he had disturbing dreams about his father. In his dreams, he asked his dad, “Why did you leave us?”

He heard no answer. How he wished that Dad was around to answer his questions.

Dad had been the family’s sole breadwinner. Without him, times were tough. Bold also felt resentment. He thought, “Dad might be alive if only he had taken better care of himself and gone to the hospital earlier.”

Mom also missed Dad terribly. She also had questions. She started to visit a teacher from a traditional Mongolian religion who claimed to have answers.

Bold noticed that Mom seemed to be happier after each visit. He was curious to find out if the teacher could answer his questions.

“Can I go and see him?” he asked.

“Let’s go together,” Mother replied.

Pray for the people of Mongolia who, like Bold, are looking for answers. Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help open a recreation center in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, for other children who have unanswered questions. Thank you for planning a generous offering on March 29.

Andrew McChesneyEditor, Mission Quarterly
Email: | Twitter: @armcchesney

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The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a mainstream Protestant church with approximately 19 million members worldwide, including more than one million members in North America. The Adventist Church operates 173 hospitals and sanitariums and more than 7,500 schools around the world. The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) works within communities in more than 130 countries to provide community development and disaster relief.