SABBATH SCHOOL CLASSES AND CHURCH are open for in-person worship.  The children’s SS classes begin at 9:45 am and church service starts at 11:00 am Saturday mornings.  Please join us if you are able.  You can also join us on Facebook Live or on Zoom.

Join us on October 19, 2024 at 11:00 am. Let's discover together what God has in store for us this week


Links -  Facebook Live

ZOOM Link for October 19, 2024


Praying Together News
October 2024

  • Pentecost 2025: Praying for the Holy Spirit!
  • Prayer list

Invitation for all in NPUC To Pray Together For The Holy Spirit

You have heard about Pentecost, right? You are praying for the Holy Spirit each day, great!
So you will be happy to know that October is a special month during which the North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) will be praying earnestly for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our teachers and students!
From July on we have joined other Unions to pray for their topics. Now it is out turn. We in the Pacific Northwest are invited to join in prayer daily with members from all over. From Alaska to Oregon, Montana to Western Washington, all are invited to a live zoom each day at 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. throughout the month of October.

For additional information about Pentecost, please visit UCCs website at:

Here are the links:

Daily Zoom Links
Mornings 6 a.m. Pacific
Meeting ID: 976 9497 1379
Passcode: 721561

Evenings 6 p.m. Pacific
Meeting ID: 942 4642 2345
Passcode: 961056

 Monthly topics for Prayer for Pentecost 2025

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 "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" Prayer Summit
Registration has closed for this year's Prayer Summit.

We are excited about the 100 people who are registered.  Please pray that this event will be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. That at Camp MiVoden October 4-6, God will pour out a blessing beyond measure so that His plans for our people and churches in UCC will go forward with His power! 

UCC In the Word and Conversations with God
The "Conversations With God" Evening Prayer Room is reading from Luke and John this month.  If you'd like to join in listening or reading the word together Sunday through Friday nights at 8:30 p.m. go to:
MeetingID: 817 3750 6481 Passcode: 433052 

Prayer List for October, 2024
(For a complete prayer list for each week:

~ Praying Together News is prepared by the Upper Columbia Conference Prayer Ministries Coordinator, Kathy Marson. 

Resource Links For Prayer Leaders
These links help you find important information about prayer. For the zoom locations, the link simply takes you to our prayer calendar where you will find the link embedded on each day. Keep the calendar handy to participate.
For prayer stories —
For Digital Prayer Ministry  —
Morning Prayer Zoom room —
Weekly Wednesday Warriors — same link as above
4th Friday -- same link as above
Participate in Reading the Bible every day — same link as above
Prayer Resources  — Find at Vertical Resources
Prayer Request Form — On the UCC Home Page

Please invite friends to subscribe to this newsletter. They can send their name and email addresses to to sign up. Praying Together News seeks to encourage prayer in as many ways as possible in churches and small groups!

A Worldwide Church Family

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a mainstream Protestant church with approximately 19 million members worldwide, including more than one million members in North America. The Adventist Church operates 173 hospitals and sanitariums and more than 7,500 schools around the world. The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) works within communities in more than 130 countries to provide community development and disaster relief.